How much does a divorce cost?
How much does a car cost? Just like most things in law, it depends.
Uncontested divorces are the least expensive. Uncontested means there are no disputes.
Contested divorces cost more and the cost is dependent on the opposing party’s posture. If every aspect, parenting, child support and asset & debt division is disputed, the cost is higher than an uncontested divorce.
Do I really need a Will?
Do you want to control how your assets are distributed at your death? If so, you need a Will. Without a Will, the State may allocate your assets.
How long does a divorce take?
An uncontested divorce can take as little as five to six weeks to finalize. A contested divorce usually takes at least six months or more. If a hearing is required, obtaining a hearing date can take some time - especially if Covid 19 protocols continue.
Do I need to incorporate my business?
Incorporating your business can protect your personal assets from business debts. The choice of which type of business entity is right for you is crucial, as there are tax consequences to consider.
In probate law, how much is the Executor typically paid?
An Executor is authorized to charge a commission of 2 1/2 % of assets coming into the estate and 2 1/2 % of assets going out of the estate. Often Executors waive all or a part of this fee.
Is it crucial to be the first to file the divorce action?
No, it is not crucial. There are pros and there are cons - but it is not crucial.
Is Bankruptcy right for me?
Bankruptcy actions relieve the immense personal stress that crushing debt can cause. If creditor phone calls, car repossession, mortgage foreclosure or debts that you have absolutely no ability to pay are causing you sleepless nights, Bankruptcy may be right for you.
Is probate expensive? Are there death taxes?
There are no death taxes in Georgia. Probate means to “prove” the Will. It is like many other things in the law, if done right it is not very expensive, if done wrong it can become costly.